Sunday, December 13, 2009

How to explain adolescent where children come from?

How to find the right words, choose the right tone, to talk with older children on intimate topics? We are ashamed to talk about it, or believe that "they are more aware of our", and is silent on this delicate area.

And hormones awaken instincts and fly to enter adult life, without waiting for an adult. According to specialists, Russia's young people are increasingly having sex at 12-13 years. The first to learn about this gynecologists and Venerology, and the latter - the parents.

The case of life. Pediatric emergency ambulance "was a call to a girl 14 years on the" abdominal pain ". At the apartment revealed that the "patient" is in the first stage of labor and required hospitalization in the maternity hospital. Of course, that pregnant women in the consultation was not observed, exchange cards and any analysis it did not. The doctor asked about the presence of chronic diseases, to select a maternity hospital on the profile. The girl did not understand: she does not know what a chronic illness. Then the doctor explained: whether the kidneys are healthy, there was a rheumatism, whether chronic pneumonia? "No, no! - Happily meets girl - nothing I have not. Syphilis was only three years ago, but now I'm healthy. "

The doctor shook the entire post of syphilis, and everyday tone in which it was uttered. There is nothing surprising in this. The girl grew up in antisocial families where no one before her was not the case, and "Life is not taught in the textbook, but for a visual aid in his apartment filled with casual drinking buddies and boyfriends mother.

But who can guarantee that children from wealthy families will be able to avoid an early abortion, genital infections, and personal tragedies? The same pediatric team once again gets the call to a girl 14 years on the same occasion. In the driveway meets a troubled brigade, Colonel - the girl's father and on his way to the apartment said: "In the morning my daughter a stomach ache, but pain is so strong that it just screams".

One look was enough to understand: the girl gives birth. Contractions strong and regular, every 5-7 minutes. We must hurry to the hospital, as if not born on the road. This said, doctors and parents, offering faster to assemble. The power of his commanding voice brought down to the doctor as a "true" Colonel, threatening to hold accountable for libel and insult innocent girl. Time for a discussion on "Can there be an innocent schoolgirl parturient?" Was clearly inappropriate, so after a few minutes, ambulances, including a siren and the beacon had raced to the nearest hospital. Soon the girl was already in the delivery room and, as written in the ancient novels, safely delivered of a full-term male infants.

A brave colonel carefully hid his eyes from the doctor ambulance, not daring to come and apologize for their behavior.
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