Friday, March 12, 2010


Yoga is becoming more fans thanks to the positive impact it has on human health and the emotional sphere. As the ancient system of strengthening the body and spirit, yoga reveals the previously untapped potential of human consciousness, as well as energy and physical body. High efficiency yoga due to its long history of more than five thousand years, during which this eastern practice has incorporated the best, harmonious effect on the body and mental health.

Yoga for beginners involves not only the performance of certain asanas and breathing exercises, but also anticipating their comprehensive study of the foundations of yoga.

Thus, it is impossible to understand yoga, you do not observe in the classroom some rules. For example, to lay a solid foundation for yoga, a combination of three factors: the calm, peace and fairness. Adherents of many Eastern practices agree that the disclosure of personal consciousness, as well as for his elevation to a higher spiritual level, you need to achieve, above all, peace of mind or, as they say, to achieve "the silence in the mind", because only a complete spiritual rest helps achieve the highest point of concentration. Gradually work with the body and breathing helps to accumulate a large amount of free energy. Fundamentals of Yoga are taught how to make rational use of stored energy and fully control it.

An important factor in yoga is a sincere desire to engage in it. Do not force yourself to do, since the main purpose of yoga - is getting pleasure and joy. If any of the days the person feels that working through force, it is better to miss one or two sessions and then, without any pangs of conscience, to return to yoga for beginners. If the absence of positive emotions associated with the duration of employment, or to perform certain asanas, it is better to reduce the yoga sessions to 20-30 minutes and do only those asanas, which requires the body. The main thing - this feeling of harmony, the pleasures of work and rest. Only such an attitude ensures harmonization of physical and mental health during the lessons of the eastern practice.

Yoga classes are inseparable from the performance of Pranayama or breathing practices that help to naturally change the state of consciousness and the physical condition of the organism. Regular breathing exercises develop the lungs and normalize the function of internal organs, endocrine glands, which positively affects the immune system of the human body. With the development of the lungs and improve gas exchange in greatly increased efficiency of the whole organism, and also activates the work of the brain. As one of the most effective ways to combat stress, pranayama stabilizes the nervous system, allows a person to be balanced and calm, improves concentration and focus.

Before yoga to relax and distract from all the emotions and extraneous thoughts. Closing his eyes, it is necessary to take the initial position of the first asana, then completely relax and stand still without moving, while concentrating on the quiet and calming the mind. With a completely relaxed body and quiet in my head slowly executed asana and on reaching the maximum limit again adopted a fixed posture, from which it slowly returned to its original position.

When performing yoga exercises importantly, you need to navigate - a feeling of comfort and lack of pain. The spine should try to keep straight, and all the slopes are not due to bending in the back, and thanks to a rotation in the hip joints.

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Performing asanas, one should not forget about breathing, which must remain free and not be beaten. Any unnatural or uncomfortable feelings after practices may indicate improper implementation. In this case it is better for some time to remove the things that cause problems or make them in a simplified form.

To successfully start yoga classes to implement them should be under the strict guidance of the instructor. This will help avoid many problems and from the outset will ensure the correct execution of asanas, breathing exercises.

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