Sunday, December 13, 2009

How to explain adolescent where children come from?

How to find the right words, choose the right tone, to talk with older children on intimate topics? We are ashamed to talk about it, or believe that "they are more aware of our", and is silent on this delicate area.

And hormones awaken instincts and fly to enter adult life, without waiting for an adult. According to specialists, Russia's young people are increasingly having sex at 12-13 years. The first to learn about this gynecologists and Venerology, and the latter - the parents.

The case of life. Pediatric emergency ambulance "was a call to a girl 14 years on the" abdominal pain ". At the apartment revealed that the "patient" is in the first stage of labor and required hospitalization in the maternity hospital. Of course, that pregnant women in the consultation was not observed, exchange cards and any analysis it did not. The doctor asked about the presence of chronic diseases, to select a maternity hospital on the profile. The girl did not understand: she does not know what a chronic illness. Then the doctor explained: whether the kidneys are healthy, there was a rheumatism, whether chronic pneumonia? "No, no! - Happily meets girl - nothing I have not. Syphilis was only three years ago, but now I'm healthy. "

The doctor shook the entire post of syphilis, and everyday tone in which it was uttered. There is nothing surprising in this. The girl grew up in antisocial families where no one before her was not the case, and "Life is not taught in the textbook, but for a visual aid in his apartment filled with casual drinking buddies and boyfriends mother.

But who can guarantee that children from wealthy families will be able to avoid an early abortion, genital infections, and personal tragedies? The same pediatric team once again gets the call to a girl 14 years on the same occasion. In the driveway meets a troubled brigade, Colonel - the girl's father and on his way to the apartment said: "In the morning my daughter a stomach ache, but pain is so strong that it just screams".

One look was enough to understand: the girl gives birth. Contractions strong and regular, every 5-7 minutes. We must hurry to the hospital, as if not born on the road. This said, doctors and parents, offering faster to assemble. The power of his commanding voice brought down to the doctor as a "true" Colonel, threatening to hold accountable for libel and insult innocent girl. Time for a discussion on "Can there be an innocent schoolgirl parturient?" Was clearly inappropriate, so after a few minutes, ambulances, including a siren and the beacon had raced to the nearest hospital. Soon the girl was already in the delivery room and, as written in the ancient novels, safely delivered of a full-term male infants.

A brave colonel carefully hid his eyes from the doctor ambulance, not daring to come and apologize for their behavior.
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Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sex-examination for new partner

The first night with a new man - a sort of test, we can say sex - exam, naturally for him! You will have a chance to make some conclusions about the new cavaliers and determine the prospects for his account. Of course, you can concentrate only on their feelings: like - not like it. But we women do not like such simple conclusions. We like to delve! Where do we start?

Where did this remarkable event?
- Your home

Well, it's great: the house and walls help, here you will feel relaxed, my own bed, not fraught with no surprises and in general the house every woman - the Queen. For sure, and your playboy felt comfortable enough - because you are not tensed. But something in this oil painting is disturbing ... Why this hero is not invited to her? Does he have a house at all, as such, or he just said about him? What if his house - a real bachelor lair? If you know more than one day, a few weeks and have never been his friend at home - standing guard. Perhaps there is something to hide. Wife with kids, mountains of garbage, or ... Do not let the bad.

- At his home

Good sign! He did not just trust you - he admits in his life. And if the apartment you expect romantic music, candles, wine and cozy atmosphere - hence the meeting prepared with a special feeling. Your beloved earnestly desire to please. All very well, if only ... is not his friend's apartment. While he was in the bathroom - check it if things surround you. These frames with photos ... Who is there for them?

- In an unexpected place

You spent time outside the home, and the passion took you by surprise in the car, at the entrance, in the dressing room stall, or in the kitchen of his friend - the birthday? Well, you are to be congratulated. Inherited - still passionate and fiery instance, which will not get bored in bed! It now remains to determine: whether he is able, in principle, to have sex in a normal, human environment, or you have to run out every night on a bench in the park?

In what posture?

Like all decent girls from good families

That is, in the missionary position. The people called the "sandwich" or "above it.

It is difficult to draw conclusions: it may turn out to be just a normal guy who finds a good habit to start with the classics, and weakest in the fantasy traditionalist. The second - not so terrible as he is painted. After all, imagination, experience and eksperementatorshi novatorshi is you who hinder share with a man?

How dream of a decent girl
That is, the "rider" or "above it.

The holiday for you - the main objective of the partner. He was not averse to pass the initiative mistress, at the same time from the first to know its true temperament. Plus - a great way to explore your body and its ability in detail. It looks like it will continue to take into account your interests, will become a reliable partner, and will never be forgotten before you open the car door.

As used decent girls

That is, "and so, and syak, and some sort".

It is trying to please, to find all of your erogenous zones, the mythical point of G, as well as learn slabinki and preferences. Sex for him - always happy, and he prefers to share it with a partner. Another thing, if you feel like a dummy in the hands of the weightlifter. Do not despair! And that something is ...

How to choose a girl to favorites

That is to say, "Doggy - Style", or "He's back.

The first night? You can congratulate: before you womanizer in all its glory, and with a heavy load of psychological problems. In kindergarten his teacher hurt, and classmates for phone calls and loving little notes from the first class to the last. He is tired. Now the main thing for him - another victory over the woman. He wants to be your master.

How come the tired girls, who all tired

That is, "spoons", popularly known as "curled up".
What was the "after"?
The Passion of him, it seems, will have to wait long. This does not make you yell "das ist фантастиш!" and biting. The main thing for him - the unity of souls, bodies and lives. Tomorrow he will make you an offer, ask to cook a three liters of soup and put on slippers with pompons, formerly belonged to his mother.
After he instantly fell asleep infant sleep. It is safe to collect veshchichki (do not forget the main thing on the floor some detail ... like gold bracelets) and go through life on, in search of normal men.

After he told you a lot of pleasant words, patted on the back and kissed her ear and waited until you fall asleep. Experience! Not always the son of errors. Often - the result of a large (more than you think) knowledge and skills acquired in the process of communication with the previous women. A remarkable instance! With it you will be comfortable and cool, only I see, alas, will rarely ... Do not you also one such happiness!
After he started a long conversation about the terrible shortcomings of his former. Nothing, except your predecessor, he can not think. Well, then let him think! No one can force you to listen to this nonsense. Feel asleep, hard day tomorrow - you need the power to snub this tedious egotist.

After you have talked, laughed, and did not notice how they fell asleep. That right! You are well along now, and probably will go well and beyond.

If you still have the strength and desire poshpionit, you can see:

In what position he sleeps?

On the back ...
sleep normal men without a sixth sense. This clock will not read you memorized pieces of "Hamlet", and he shall carry in a normal restaurant with a normal kitchen. He has a calm conscience, and his life is poor for adventure. He is reliable and adequate in all. Here are ... a gnat ... most likely, he will snore ...

In the belly ...
sleep, those who are accustomed to sleep alone. All the bed - like the rest of his life - belongs only to him. He was accustomed to their freedom and cherish it. It is possible that the guy be happy to share their living space with you, but it is not necessary since the first day (sorry, the first night) to start rocking right to lay in his bath their toothbrushes and hair dryers, and ask what to cook for dinner.

On the side ...
sleep democratic and emotionally flexible comrades, sensual and understand even such complex things as the women's mood. If you like it - should not be squandered so balanced, calm and intelligent boys.

Kalachikov ...
sleeping men with big problems. Pose of the embryo is treated by psychologists as a defense: poor guy feels the fear and uncertainty. The world seems to him hostile and cold. If you want to, can, in principle, spend a few decades of his life to persuading him to relax and live more simply.

So, we, women, always:
not so much the events, but the findings! It would seem, well, that this happened? You just made love with a new man. An - no! In all there are undercover sense! I guess it - our challenge. But perhaps the most is just relax, stop to count their moves to ten games ahead and bother about without?

Sex poses: what and why?

How much has been written about them, starting with the famous Kamasutra and ending with the underground samizdat pamphlets! Eminent sexologist devoted to the issues of selection poses a significant part of their labors. And above all, it was exactly how to find the optimal position for mutual satisfaction, depending on the anatomical features of partners. However, the fact of the matter that should be borne in mind also the psychological component of this dimension! How much you want when the terms of the anatomy of a certain sex attitude seems to be to be comfortable with both, so no - or he or she has at the same time "something wrong".

Such feelings can arise due to the fact that for each posture, perhaps, his "reading" in terms of psychological perception. A special difficulty (and even conflicts) arise where each partner in the same position his view, his perception and his own assessment.

Group sex poses "Face to Face

We can say that all such postures satisfy the human sex, primarily communicative function - need to communicate. It is well known that animals such postures in principle, no. And people often want an intimate process rather than a physiological pleasure, how much sense the merger, Unity.

Man on top
And just this need, the most well-known attitude meets a group face to face "- man on top. Also, for many women, this posture is a symbol of the kind of security - when the male body closes it almost completely.

This sex is usually called the missionary position - while telling the story, like savages on the island, accustomed to "communicate" in the positions of animals, were surprised to observe how a couple of missionaries is love .... However, it is still not quite right. Variations of this posture were found among the rock paintings of primitive man! That is, it indirectly confirms what we said above: the social function of sex appeared long ago. And if you want this position can not be called a missionary, and human. But those peoples, with whom she is not popular, and the rest of its development still experienced some setbacks in the development of its population.

But the problems in the use of this group poses just there and start, is experiencing its various "social interpretation". It may be, on the one hand, mergers and acquisitions, and on the other hand - the suppression (in terms of men): they say, that's how I pressed her, she can not move! In general, for men wishing to meet for sex in the first place a sense of power, especially power from a position of strength, the attitude to sex and attractive that it can be a woman literally "crush."

And no longer has value to them is that virtually immobilized partner loses an opportunity to help his frictions and thus blunt its purely physiological pleasure! But that's the question that physiological discharge for such a bumpkin secondary, the main thing - to crush ... But from the standpoint of women, this attitude may well be more a symbol of ... contempt and indifference. Like, my case - excuse me, lie down and legs apart. And then let he doing what he wants, I do not care!
It was in this position (ie with the reading) have sex wife, literally hate their husbands - and in particular closeness with them. That's another reason why this pose is so popular - often married couples sex is just conjugal duties. It is in this position for a wife can not afford not to trouble during the execution of these duties.

So it turns out that if the partner feels in this position a sense of unity, a partner - of indifference, or partner desires sex with such a posture to meet the feeling of power, and the partner - a sense of security, with such opposite to someone inevitably remain unsatisfied (like well this pose any approach to their anatomical features). And vice versa: if this is the location of bodies is not too good stimulates the main erogenous zones, but it is a convergence of views - this attitude will be interpreted in Hurray!

Woman on top

The next most common posture of this group - the woman on top. In principle, it is more physiological, precisely because as a rule, a woman is easier to man. However, when such contact tel tight pressure on each other much smaller, and of course, the main activity of the given partner. That is why in most sexological works of this posture is recommended that active women and tired men.

However, this is in terms of physiological efficiency. But when begins psychology - that there are conflicts of a specific plan.

We still talk about it, but it is worth mentioning now, that some of our men (especially those who consider themselves, as is now customary to say, too "cool"), how would one day not having worked, can not allow his wife or girlfriend " sit on top "! They say it undermines his manhood.

The only person he can not allow this - this is with a prostitute whom he allegedly initially humiliated that bought it, and it will no longer "trampled guy," and the client, who can not afford to lie down quietly until bought by a lady working. See how changing perceptions, depending on the psychological and social accents! And in the technical disposition, in fact, nothing changed. And with such a distorted perception of difficulties as in men (who decide their intimate problems with their wives, but through the power of moving themselves, or remain without the necessary discharge), and their wives who understand that her husband was tired and happy to have be all in their hands, but he did not allow them to enjoy this pose.

Misperception comes to the fact that once in a popular newspaper in a solid scientist (so sorry, can not remember his name!), Being a supporter of "male supremacy", saying: do "attitude rider, leads to degeneration of the nation - if the top at the moment of conception will be woman, born ugly children ... As they say - no comment.

Interestingly, and in various women's evaluation of the different sex postures.
Some women this posture Sex poses: what and why? love - but not so much for something that they themselves can choose the desired angle of contact of bodies and the rhythm of movement, namely, what they want to psychologically feel "on top" of a man. Especially if the social life they are inordinately oppressed by the strong floor and this they do not like. But another group of women, despite their activity, this posture is quite cold. It is because in this situation, "the peasant lies and kicks, and you do serve."

Of course, in all postures meant to mutual activity partners. Suppose that in varying degrees: in the pose of "man on top" woman, as is known, can contribute to the mutual (and especially their own) pleasure. Similarly, as a partner in an attitude of "woman on top" is also not devoid of ability to move, cuddle his partner. But again, when the main role is played not by the physiological sensations, and psychological, and in particular, the main opposition is a great sex - that's when conflicts arise.
Sex posture sitting

This group poses is a bit aloof - precisely because the actual need for sex, they just are not the most awkward length. Therefore the practice is not so often, and mainly for the refined, elegant sex. These postures provide exactly equal partners - primarily in growth. And even given the minimal freedom of movement in the pelvis for both partners, but allow all huddle in the chest and complete freedom to communicate at eye level. And thus confirm that the human sex begins with the head.

Yes, some men are trying, and in that position to move the woman as an artificial vagina. But when she sits down at a man sitting, it's hard. So when there is no desire in the vicinity of stress is the equality and unity, and the need to suppress or emphasize it is their superiority - in such cases, the sitting posture are particularly unpopular.

Life triangle!

CONTINUING Mistress you ever wondered what most men say? Of course, on the work. Then they can talk a little about women, football, cars, fishing, hunting, beer ... But work is incomparably more important. For many it is life remained the most seductive mistress and the only means by which they can establish themselves in life, to gain credibility, support themselves and family. That work (and not mark the car, not the number of children and money) determines a man's identity, whether individual scientist or an electrician. Even if the scientist (electrician) is considered the perfect family man, even this is just the background of its core activities. Home and family are for him refuge, a place where you can rest, relax, gain strength, trouble with children, to have sex, eat and sleep in the morning, once again pays favorite work. And the grumbling about the "hateful, stupid" work still nothing said. The whole world is astonished Japanese phenomenon: it turns out 70% of Japanese do not know what a vacation. And if there are free days, the male portion of the population uses them for something to improve skills and stay ahead of competitors. On the issue of psychologists: what would you do if you caught on the way earthquake, one hundred and forty people confidently replied: "I telephoned a boss, and only 9% have decided to inform the home. Besides that hatred of the boss and the busy schedule sometimes overwhelmed them, only the work gives people a sense of the Rising Sun country's demand.

This is true not only for the Japanese. The welfare of man, his physical and moral health is directly dependent on how well he is a business and how he demanded and accepted in his team. I do not need to be a psychologist to understand what happens with our strong men who are suddenly deprived of this rod. The dismissal, according to psychologists, the most severe shock for men (we're talking about responsible individiumah to "moths" is irrelevant).

In American textbooks on the psychology of men brought to the scale of stress. According to her, even the death of loved ones stronger sex moves calmer than the crisis in the service arena. The probability of losing their job for most men is the main source of fear. In case of involuntary dismissal of a man overwhelmed by not only morally.

The event pulls the whole "bouquet" of nerve, heart, gastrointestinal, endocrine disorders. Ulcer, hypertension, headaches, sleep disturbances, impotence - a constant companion of similar situations. Education, position, profession, the presence of egg capsules with money and property in this situation have absolutely no value. This affects everything: the rich and poor. And even those who disliked his work: it turns out that for them it was the meaning of life. Women dismissal has never been synonymous with the collapse of the individual, because in her life there are many parallel values and interests. Work - only one of the links in this chain. Vanish is a woman, even if they get frustrated, then quickly fill the empty niche classes with children, house, flowers, embroidery, driving courses, lessons in the gym, chatting with his girlfriend, in the end. And what can fill the emptiness of a man?

The question, agree, almost rhetorically. "Kormilec" blown away, like bursting a balloon. It will collapse, disaster, disaster! And no amount of encouraging exhortations will not be able to take him out of this state.

PERSONAL TRAGEDY familiar situation: the husband offered a job more interesting and better paid. After oscillations (everyone knows that the best - the enemy of good), he agrees. But "promising" work still not in place all the mechanisms, the owners do not know what they want, money for salaries, as it turns out, they do not, and as a result - her husband is on the street. Ask for the old place - pride would not allow it. Also a good place is never empty - and in his chair sits a new man already. Friends, that poor guy turns, something promised to find out and disappear, like snails in shells. My wife seems that nothing terrible happened: think, lost his job and looking for a new one.

But for men, the more so for a long time who worked at one place and not accustomed to the changes taking place - a real tragedy. And if a woman offers a temporary respite, take time out, to do creative work, the husband looks at her as if she were at the time of disaster, invites him to play checkers. Is it hard, she understood only when he sees that he does not sleep the second, third, fourth (and so on) night in a row. Lies there and stares at the ceiling. This is called depression. After ten or twenty years of successful work man realized that he was not appreciated, cast as an unnecessary thing - for such a turn of fate he was not ready. It would seem that you can stop, analyze the situation, look at yourself, draw conclusions and to emerge victorious. But, unfortunately, few are capable of that.

Experience has shown that within each of a strong and intelligent men still live a little boy. This boy can sometimes scared to death of unforeseen circumstances or offended. It feels like a failure, defeated. But compassion, kindness and tenderness of women will certainly fighting back. Should he at least someone to scare! Do not pay any attention to it. And moreover, do not be offended. Otherwise, you can enter the "baby" in a deep depression and destroy the remnants of his self-esteem. Period finding a new job is extremely painful for this category of men. This is not the same as when a person is dissatisfied with the work and looks for a new place in parallel. In this situation, "rejected" Specialist communicates with udachnikami "," winners ", people who do not know the taste of defeat. In addition, men will never recognize their dependence on anyone. Even the dependence on the head, they were not. They think that it is possible at any moment to leave, slamming the door. Forced to find a new place destroys this theory.

Your strength in your devotion So what wife? We are talking about those who seek to understand and help her husband. It turns out that the majority are not psychologically ready even to ensure that the conduct with your spouse longer than before. My wife like and understands that a good idea to temporarily free download husband chores, but when they both go to the store or market can not hide the irritation. And tomatoes it is not those bought and took a lot of sausage, and the bag is not so complicated. Constant presence in the house "on its territory" of another person brings out a very patient owner.

In such a nervous situation should be protected not only the mental state of a spouse, but his own. Do I have to go shopping together? Send him one, and tune yourself to the fact that, indeed, will be bought is not quite what you wanted. Your frustration and comments only aggravate the situation, and praise, even hypocritical, is able to inspire.

In the end, whether due to a pair of rotten tomatoes and stale bread to spoil the relationship? This is a trifle compared with what is happening in the soul of this man.
So it turns out that the weak, fragile women have to raise and support the ailing "support". Only love, wisdom and dedication will be in the most faithful supporters. And if you run out run out of power and love for the weak hands adult, pity and love the small, helpless boy, who lives in his soul. It is not so difficult. Need only be able to see who is in you need.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Prevention of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)

Parents checking at night, sleeping as their child, often afraid. In the U.S., sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) - the third most common cause of death in children up to a year, every year the country registered 2000 new sudden infant death. The exact cause of this phenomenon is unknown.

Pose dream

Experts say that children should only sleep on their backs. Earlier tolerated sleep on your side, but recent studies have shown that in this situation increases the risk of SIDS.

Pacifiers to protect against SIDS

Studies have shown that sucking nipples before sleep reduces the likelihood of SIDS. To explain this fact, put forward various suggestions, but in any case, experts advise giving children a pacifier before the day and night sleep.

Some experts believe that the nipples in the future cause dental problems. However, convincing evidence of these facts do not exist, at least when it comes to the health of children under 5 years.

How to use a pacifier

1. Pacifier should be offered when the child laying in bed. If, having fallen asleep, he did vyplyunet do not need to go invest it in your mouth baby. Do not make the child suck on a pacifier.

2. It is recommended to wash the nipples as often as possible.

3. Not recommended to give a pacifier for children under 1 month, who are breastfed.

Instructions for nurses

Nurse should ask the child to lay on his back before going to bed and right to give him a pacifier. A man is caring for a child should know the preventive measures against SIDS. About 20% of cases of sudden infant deaths occur at a time when the child is not cared for parents and other people.

Other risk factors

At risk are also the children whose mothers smoked during pregnancy or were not observed in this period, a doctor, as well as boys, premature and underweight babies. Statistics show that SIDS is more often observed in children who slept on old, had previously used mattresses.

How to prevent SIDS?

1. Put your baby to sleep on their backs, not on his stomach and not on his side.

2. Offer him a pacifier.

3. Lay the child on a hard mattress, hiding it with a sheet or thin blanket.

4. Remove from the cradle, soft things that can close the mouth or nose of the child.

5. Do not smoke during pregnancy and keep the child from tobacco smoke.

6. Avoid overheating, give up tugogo changing. Maintain a comfortable temperature in your child's room. At the touch of the skin of the child should not be hot.

7. Do not rely on radio or video nanny. These devices are not effective enough to ensure the safety of the child.

8. Do not place the child in his bed - better put a cot in his room. Joint night's sleep with a child may trigger SIDS.
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Do you need to circumcise a boy?

Some parents of boys have to decide: do him circumcised or not. Some choose circumcision for religious or cultural reasons. However, recent studies have shown that men who are being circumcised, more vulnerable to diseases, sexually transmitted diseases.

What is circumcision?

Circumcision - a surgical removal of the foreskin (skin covering the glans penis). It is usually done in the first days or weeks after birth. This procedure is particularly prevalent in the United States, Canada and the Middle East.

According to doctors, circumcision is not necessary, but not harmful. There is no evidence that it is a method of preventing infections and other diseases.

Pros and Cons

The penis after circumcision easier to keep clean, but in any case, the boy must be taught the rules of hygiene. Sometimes the foreskin is inflamed, but this is easily avoided if the basic hygiene procedures.

Painful procedures is not an obstacle, as is possible to use local anesthetics. Circumcision not associated with serious risks. In 0,2-3% of the cases was a slight bleeding or local inflammation, which can be easily treated.

Some believe that circumcision may affect the sensitivity of the glans penis and sexual pleasure, which man will suffer in the future. However, this assumption is not scientifically proven.

After excision

After surgery, the parents show how to care for the penis. Impose on the wound with Vaseline gauze bandage or antibiotic. In the early days may be some bleeding or leak a yellowish fluid. A member should wash with soap and water. The child may, within a few days to feel discomfort when urinating. The wound heals within 1-2 weeks.

An ordinary boy foreskin tightly adheres to the glans penis. This is normal, if not prevent an outflow of urine. During bathing do not try to wash the foreskin from the inside. Enough to wash the penis from the outside.

As the child grows, the skin of the foreskin adheres more freely and begins to move back. The child must be taught to the older self move the foreskin and wash the glans penis. In some children, the foreskin can not move. In this case, circumcision is done at a later age for medical reasons.

If you are not sure whether your child circumcised, you can discuss all the pros and cons with their physician.
Rx Wisconsin

How to teach a child to the pot

Yesterday you were thinking: how do sick of diapers. And now it's finally time to teach the child to the pot, but he does not want to hear about it. What to do?

First of all, to adequately perceive what is happening. Unlikely to accustom the child to the pot can be easily and seamlessly. Along the way are inevitable successes and failures. It would be desirable to quickly overcome this stage, it usually turns out to be quite lengthy and takes several weeks to several months. To this period did not turn chronic stress, you need to follow 5 rules.

1. Do not force your child if he is not ready to go to pot. No need to force events. Of course, it is difficult, if around a lot of "sympathizers" of family members or babysitters. Signs of emotional and physical readiness to the pot:

* The ability to express in words what a diaper is wet or dirty
* Ability to independently lift and put on pants
* The ability to independently get in and get out of the pot.

Concerning the child's readiness is better to consult a pediatrician.

2. Note that the child may worry. Using the pot - one of the first serious cases, which instruct the child to perform independently. Little can experience the excitement, fear or frustration over this new assignment. It is important to understand the emotions of the child. Children respond better to the manifestations of love and support.

3. Do not expect miracles. Many parents expect that children quickly learn to use the potty. Typically, this happens to children older than 2 years, who themselves want to master this skill. At an early age learning process takes more time. No need to worry if the case unexpectedly delayed.

4. Turn the process into a game. It is important that the child belonged to the pot positively. You can invite him to choose a pot in the store, decorate it with paints or stickers. Encourage your child to sit on the toilet more often and rewards the child, even if he was not able to do in a pot is left empty.

5. Be patient and benevolent. The process of accustoming the child to the pot may be associated with feelings for both the child and parents. It requires a lot of time and effort, a large number of washing and cleaning. Sometimes the child loses the acquired skills. This is normal, especially if the child is upset, tired or frightened. In the case of "misses" you just need to remove the child and recalled that the next time to go into the pot.

Schooling the child to the pot may be difficult, but in any case can not shift all the responsibility on the child. If something does not work, you need to be condescending and in every way to give the child understand that you can see him (her) desire to learn to use the potty. Over time, the child necessarily changing diapers to regular panties.
Rx Massachusetts