Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sex poses: what and why?

How much has been written about them, starting with the famous Kamasutra and ending with the underground samizdat pamphlets! Eminent sexologist devoted to the issues of selection poses a significant part of their labors. And above all, it was exactly how to find the optimal position for mutual satisfaction, depending on the anatomical features of partners. However, the fact of the matter that should be borne in mind also the psychological component of this dimension! How much you want when the terms of the anatomy of a certain sex attitude seems to be to be comfortable with both, so no - or he or she has at the same time "something wrong".

Such feelings can arise due to the fact that for each posture, perhaps, his "reading" in terms of psychological perception. A special difficulty (and even conflicts) arise where each partner in the same position his view, his perception and his own assessment.

Group sex poses "Face to Face

We can say that all such postures satisfy the human sex, primarily communicative function - need to communicate. It is well known that animals such postures in principle, no. And people often want an intimate process rather than a physiological pleasure, how much sense the merger, Unity.

Man on top
And just this need, the most well-known attitude meets a group face to face "- man on top. Also, for many women, this posture is a symbol of the kind of security - when the male body closes it almost completely.

This sex is usually called the missionary position - while telling the story, like savages on the island, accustomed to "communicate" in the positions of animals, were surprised to observe how a couple of missionaries is love .... However, it is still not quite right. Variations of this posture were found among the rock paintings of primitive man! That is, it indirectly confirms what we said above: the social function of sex appeared long ago. And if you want this position can not be called a missionary, and human. But those peoples, with whom she is not popular, and the rest of its development still experienced some setbacks in the development of its population.

But the problems in the use of this group poses just there and start, is experiencing its various "social interpretation". It may be, on the one hand, mergers and acquisitions, and on the other hand - the suppression (in terms of men): they say, that's how I pressed her, she can not move! In general, for men wishing to meet for sex in the first place a sense of power, especially power from a position of strength, the attitude to sex and attractive that it can be a woman literally "crush."

And no longer has value to them is that virtually immobilized partner loses an opportunity to help his frictions and thus blunt its purely physiological pleasure! But that's the question that physiological discharge for such a bumpkin secondary, the main thing - to crush ... But from the standpoint of women, this attitude may well be more a symbol of ... contempt and indifference. Like, my case - excuse me, lie down and legs apart. And then let he doing what he wants, I do not care!
It was in this position (ie with the reading) have sex wife, literally hate their husbands - and in particular closeness with them. That's another reason why this pose is so popular - often married couples sex is just conjugal duties. It is in this position for a wife can not afford not to trouble during the execution of these duties.

So it turns out that if the partner feels in this position a sense of unity, a partner - of indifference, or partner desires sex with such a posture to meet the feeling of power, and the partner - a sense of security, with such opposite to someone inevitably remain unsatisfied (like well this pose any approach to their anatomical features). And vice versa: if this is the location of bodies is not too good stimulates the main erogenous zones, but it is a convergence of views - this attitude will be interpreted in Hurray!

Woman on top

The next most common posture of this group - the woman on top. In principle, it is more physiological, precisely because as a rule, a woman is easier to man. However, when such contact tel tight pressure on each other much smaller, and of course, the main activity of the given partner. That is why in most sexological works of this posture is recommended that active women and tired men.

However, this is in terms of physiological efficiency. But when begins psychology - that there are conflicts of a specific plan.

We still talk about it, but it is worth mentioning now, that some of our men (especially those who consider themselves, as is now customary to say, too "cool"), how would one day not having worked, can not allow his wife or girlfriend " sit on top "! They say it undermines his manhood.

The only person he can not allow this - this is with a prostitute whom he allegedly initially humiliated that bought it, and it will no longer "trampled guy," and the client, who can not afford to lie down quietly until bought by a lady working. See how changing perceptions, depending on the psychological and social accents! And in the technical disposition, in fact, nothing changed. And with such a distorted perception of difficulties as in men (who decide their intimate problems with their wives, but through the power of moving themselves, or remain without the necessary discharge), and their wives who understand that her husband was tired and happy to have be all in their hands, but he did not allow them to enjoy this pose.

Misperception comes to the fact that once in a popular newspaper in a solid scientist (so sorry, can not remember his name!), Being a supporter of "male supremacy", saying: do "attitude rider, leads to degeneration of the nation - if the top at the moment of conception will be woman, born ugly children ... As they say - no comment.

Interestingly, and in various women's evaluation of the different sex postures.
Some women this posture Sex poses: what and why? love - but not so much for something that they themselves can choose the desired angle of contact of bodies and the rhythm of movement, namely, what they want to psychologically feel "on top" of a man. Especially if the social life they are inordinately oppressed by the strong floor and this they do not like. But another group of women, despite their activity, this posture is quite cold. It is because in this situation, "the peasant lies and kicks, and you do serve."

Of course, in all postures meant to mutual activity partners. Suppose that in varying degrees: in the pose of "man on top" woman, as is known, can contribute to the mutual (and especially their own) pleasure. Similarly, as a partner in an attitude of "woman on top" is also not devoid of ability to move, cuddle his partner. But again, when the main role is played not by the physiological sensations, and psychological, and in particular, the main opposition is a great sex - that's when conflicts arise.
Sex posture sitting

This group poses is a bit aloof - precisely because the actual need for sex, they just are not the most awkward length. Therefore the practice is not so often, and mainly for the refined, elegant sex. These postures provide exactly equal partners - primarily in growth. And even given the minimal freedom of movement in the pelvis for both partners, but allow all huddle in the chest and complete freedom to communicate at eye level. And thus confirm that the human sex begins with the head.

Yes, some men are trying, and in that position to move the woman as an artificial vagina. But when she sits down at a man sitting, it's hard. So when there is no desire in the vicinity of stress is the equality and unity, and the need to suppress or emphasize it is their superiority - in such cases, the sitting posture are particularly unpopular.

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